The Board of Directors of the James Messier Memorial Youth Center have  set forth the following criteria for use of the Center.

  • The Center is a Christian based Center and as such any activity will be expected to abide by Christian principles and posted rules.
  • There will need to be 2 background checked volunteers present at any event where children attend without a parent or legal guardian present. (A list of available volunteers and their contact info will be provided as needed.)
  • Pre-existing activities will take precedence over other building use requests.
  • The Center is a non-profit that depends on donations to keep operating, therefore we graciously accept donations to help us defray expenses and to provide programs for youth.

For any questions you might have, please contact Alexis Bell at (802)524-4232 or Thank you.

Name of person accepting responsibility for the building use during the time of the event
If the event is being held by an organization, please include the organization's name here
email address where we can contact the applicant
The date and time you'd like to have access to the JMMY Center. Include any prep time you'll need before the event starts. The date must be at least 10 days from today.
What type of event is this? Birthday, baby shower, etc?
How long will you need the building for? Please include any cleanup time you'll require.
Please describe the types of activities that will be happening during your event
Please list any extra equipment your event will need
If you need anything else from the JMMY Center, please describe it here
It is agreed that the J.M.M.Y. Center does not assume liability for the acts of the person or organization using the facilities.  All local ordinances for police and fire protection must be observed.  If police services are necessary, they will be paid for by those using the facilities.  The responsibility for any damage to the building or equipment belongs to the persons or organization utilizing the facilities.  Also areas should be left in the same degree of order and cleanliness as when they were found. Payment for any property damaged through improper use is hereby guaranteed by the person signing this application.